Missouri S&T ACM
Technically Impressive
Have a special interests related to computer science?
We have you covered.
The umbrella of Missouri S&T ACM. Our goal is to enrich the college experience and foster the next generation of innovators by hosting talks, competitions, and workshops that provide real-world learning opportunities and networking.
Interested in software engineering, web development, or development operations? In ACM Web, we build industry-grade websites using top software engineering practices. ACM Web is developing the mstacm.org website and much more. Moreover, we host workshops on various skills in web development, Typescript, and Git.
ACM Competition focuses on competitive programming, a mind-sport in which computer science problems are solved as quickly as possible. If you are interested in sharpening your algorithmic problem-solving skills, then this is the community for you.
ACM Security is Missouri S&T’s largest student collection of cybersecurity enthusiasts. Our goal is to learn about all things security through hands-on teaching in a casual environment. We host a variety of talks and workshops that explore topics outside the standard curriculum.
ACM Data is a data focused org covering topics like Data Science, Data Mining, Data Analytics, and Data Engineering. Data Science, commonly seen as a combination of most data professions, is a new field with an infinite landscape. Our goal is to catalyze a new era of Data Science by using our curiosity to explore this landscape and push new standards. In ACM Data, we participate in competition sites such as Kaggle, tell stories using data, learn what’s new in Data Science, and whatever is necessary to be cutting edge.
ACM-W aims to facilitate a thriving community of women in computing through the organizing of great activities, networking, and mentorship programs. We aim to address the issue of retention of women in computer science by creating a support system for academic and professional pursuits and empowering our members to pursue their goals through knowledge and education about women’s contribution to technology. This group is open to all students (male or female) that wish to promote women in computing.
ACM Hack introduces students to the world of hackathons: weekend long events where students come together to turn ideas into reality. We organize travel and attendance to these events, which take place across the Midwest and the country. We also run PickHacks, the annual student-run hackathon held at S&T in March. Alongside hackathons, we also host events about various design thinking concepts, hackathon preparation, and much more. Skill level and major doesn’t matter here — as long as you like building new things and meeting awesome people, ACM Hack is right for you.
Focuses on improving and utilizing technical, and soft skills to create a game for the community’s arcade machine(s) on campus every semester/year. This community will also host game jams, so non-members can experience the game development process.
Focusing on building you and your resume as you prepare to enter the job market! Learn important skills and develop as a person companies would want to hire.
2023 – 2024